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Tuesday, October 9, 2012

{Erin} - 18 Months

Last weekend, I gave you a peek at my 18 month old niece. I've been photographing baby {Erin} as she gets SO big since she was 2 weeks old...{click image to go to each post}

Can you believe this itty bitty thing went from this:
{2 weeks old}

To this:
{18 months old}

And this...
{3 months old}

To this...
{18 months old}

How sweet is she?

It was a gorgeous fall day so we headed outside...

...for a little walk... Erin could show me around her neighborhood...

So glad we could spend the afternoon together sweetheart!


BKWilliams said...

Such beautiful memories. I love your photos.

Doug said...

eeee cuuuuuuute! :D