Monday, August 8, 2011

Party Ideas: Dinner From Around the World

Happy Monday everyone! Posts have been a little slow around here because I had a long weekend in San Diego attending BlogHer'11! I'll try and round up that trip soon. But it'll be hard since there's so much to tell you!

In the meantime, last week I told you that Seema’s super creative and fun Top Chef Potluck party was featured on a party planning blog. And today I’m here to tell you about another creative dinner party Seema hosted. In case you’re new around here, Seema has also thrown an Easter Egg Decorating Brunch, Girls’ Night Out, and Wine & Cheese party (not featured, but based on my party).

Inspired by my tacos and slaw post, she decided to host a dinner with six friends with a menu from around the world.

Appetizer - Granita (Italy
EntréePulled Pork Tacos with Spicy Slaw alongside Guacamole and Tortilla Chips (Mexico
Dessert - Dulce de Leche Cheesecake Bars (Argentina
Signature CocktailsFrench 75French 75 jelly shots and Hotecate (US/Mexico - beer with Tabasco, pepper, lime)

The favorites of the night were the granitas and dulce de leche bars. This would be a fun themed dinner party where each person can bring a different course/country. Some décor ideas for a worldly romance themed dinner are:
² Torn maps with burned edges ² Globes ² Twine wrapped candles ²
² Old books ² Doilies ok, lace sounds better ² Vintage post cards ² International envelopes ²

Keep the parties coming Seema! J

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