Wednesday, August 3, 2011

As Seen On {swanky::chic::fete}

free printable via mom and wife
…momentum…With 1-2-3-4 features on other sites, 1-2-3 babies to photograph, 100 followers, and free passes to BlogHer'11, all just this month…it feels like things are moving along in this first year of blogging for lil mama stuart!

As Agatha put it after hearing a CEO and one of the top “10 Big Thinkers for Big Businesses”:
Sometimes when you’re passionate about a number of things and trying to keep up with your career, plus your passions & side projects, plus your friends & family, it can seem overwhelming. But then again it almost seems like the more you do, the more momentum you gain and the more things fall into place.” 

And that’s exactly how I feel this week (maybe that’s why we’re BFF’s J). Sometimes I feel like I take on too much. And my body and mind are exhausted at the end of the night at 1am. But my mind still races with ideas as I lay in bed. And I still want to do a million things for myself and for others. And I feel like if I don’t take on more and put all that pressure on myself, I won’t get better. I won’t move forward. I won’t be me.

And now PaperCulture has given me the opportunity to step it up. Which led to my last minute making, printing and cutting 200 business cards on my closet floor late at night. And making a pretty business card holder out of duct tape. Tutorial on that another day, I digress...The opportunity to network with 3500+ other bloggers. To hear the CEO of Pepsi talk about exploring inspiration and leadership.  More details on BlogHer next week...If you're going, let me know! I don't want to be all by my lonesome! L In the mean time I’ll just keep swimming, just keep swimming…

Aaaanyway, back to the title of this post…Thank you Lili for being my 100th follower and featuring Seema’s Top Chef Potluck Party over at swanky::chic::fete today! And Seema threw yet another fun dinner party last weekend, details to come!

Excuse me for my Deep Thoughts by Jack Handey type post today (SNL anyone??). As always, thanks for reading J


  1. Awwww thanks for quoting me quoting somebody :)

  2. I couldn't agree with this more. I feel overwhelmed with just the idea of doing something I'm passionate about and keeping up with work. If only my job was what I was passionate about! As you put it Mindy, we all just have to keep swimming:).


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