Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Dear Photograph

Danielle introduced me to this cool blog where people submit photos they’ve taken of a “picture of a picture from the past in the present.” Ok that sounds kinda confusing and you probably don’t get it. But it really is simple. And so cool to see!  Grab an old picture…go to the same location it was taken at…and take a new picture of the old picture.

This was an EASY task for me since my parents haven’t moved in 30+ years. And a lot of things haven’t changed. But that's what makes it home ♥ Dear Photograph has gotten a lot of press lately. Just a few weeks ago, I came home to my mom watching abc World News with Diane Sawyer. And she asked if that was what I was doing the other day at her house haha.

I submitted these to Dear Photograph and don’t know if they’ll get published. But I thought it’d be fun for you to see J
Still love this hammock, three generations later...
Mia (above) looks just like mommy (below) huh? J

Even my brother Don (34), his son Ryu (6), and Mia (1) has a picture with this piano...
Many many meals are still enjoyed as a family in this dining room...
I’d love to see your photos of a photo!


Thanks for spending the {day} with me :) I'd LOVE to hear what you think!