Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Instagram Photo A Day - December 2012

I already shared the first half of December's #fmsphotoaday pictures, so here's the rest. I only missed four days out of 31, not bad! Follow me on instagram at lilmamastuart.
17. on the floor
18. makes you feel merry - loooove peppermint mochas on cold winter days
19. something beginning with 's' - Starbucks giftcards for pre-school teachers
20. weather - another rainy day in December. Can we get some snow already!?
21. tree - so what if it's little, we still love it!
22. decoration - our family tree continues to grow
23. joy is ______ - family snuggle time in bed
24. tradition - milk, cookies and a letter left under the tree for Santa
25. lunchtime - korean mandoo made by umma
26. mess
27. how you relax - treating myself my husband to a massage at the Peninsula
28. cold - pigeons huddling for warmth under the EL tracks
29. hot - jalapenos to make this french dip crock pot sandwich
30. something that made you smile this year
31. self-portrait

Here's January's daily prompts if you want to play along. Let's see how long I can keep up with this photo challenge!

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Thanks for spending the {day} with me :) I'd LOVE to hear what you think!