Monday, December 31, 2012

Top 12 of 2012

*sigh* Another year gone by in the blink of an eye. Last January, I started Project 52 {one picture every week taken with intentions to fit the specified prompt}. That lasted a whole 7 weeks. But I did accomplish a photo a day challenge in February. Turns out I had a {short lived} knack for urban street photography. And although I quit Project 52, it didn't matter because I became an associate wedding photographer for Misha Media! With the Bench Mob being an unexpected opportunity, I cannot wait to see where this year takes me. But before we ring in 2013, let's have a look at my top 12 pictures {of Mia} from 2012...ok, so it's a little lot more than 12.

{waiting for the doctor at her 2 year check up}

{excited for her 2nd birthday party!}

{just like mommy, she knew right away what to do with her birthday present}

{my little sous chef in training}

{birthday hugs for mama!}

{bye bye Boston, it was fun few days!}

{this little lady does makeup with me every morning}

{she spent so many afternoons on the balcony happily blowing bubbles}

{my little mini me loves helping me cook}

{more fun on our little balcony}

{getting ready for the pool, it was such a hot summer!}

{waiting for brunch after seeing Pinkalicious, the musical!}

{2nd generation cousins in the same exact spot where me and my cousins used to take pictures}

{she always gets ice cream from Grandma}

{enjoying neighborhood festivals with friends and family!}

{my girly girl with her purses and "high shoes"}

{the second I got home she was anxious to see what was in the box}

{girl could sing, dance and dress up all day}

{this outfit was all her, silly girl!}

{Great Grandma loves having Mia over}

{such a big girl in her soccer class}

Which one is your fave?? Click here to see my top 11 from 2011.
Be safe out there tonight! And may next year be even better than the last...


  1. I love them all!!! But if I had to choose, my favourite is the one of her on her super tip toes helping you cook!

  2. I pick the one with daddy :)

  3. We love seeing Mia pictures! Haha. My favorite is the one where she's waiting for the pool :). WHAT a cutie!

  4. They are all beautiful, but my favorite is the one with great grandmother!


Thanks for spending the {day} with me :) I'd LOVE to hear what you think!