Tuesday, March 20, 2012

{Noah} - 1 Year

Last week I shared a sneak peek of Baby Noah, who turned one this past weekend! Look at how this sweet face has (or hasn't!) changed from one, three, six, nine and now 12 months....
{click on the picture to go to each session's post}

Noah wasn't acting his normal big gummy smiley self on the day of our shoot. Poor guy had a tooth come in that very day!

But he still managed some charming smiles J

Big Brother Elijah was more than happy to steal the spotlight while we let Noah deal with his tooth coming through.

He automatically struck this pose without any guidance. It caught me off guard!

Phew! A family photo where everyone is looking. It's tough keeping up with two toddler boys!

We ended the day on a sweet note. It's so funny watching how one year olds react to smash cakes. Everyone is so different! Mia didn't really want to touch hers, while Erin was a mess! (You'll see in a few weeks.) Noah didn't seem to care too much for his cupcake.

I hope you're all smiles for your party on Sunday little man!

I loved watching you get so big over the past year, Noah. I'll miss your sweet face!

linked up here:

Live, Love, TravelSweet Shot Day


  1. Aww, look at how cute! Precious lamb!

    Beautiful pictures, once again, friend!

  2. AHH! You've done such an INCREDIBLE JOB! Thank you Mindy!

  3. both cute boys. can't believe you got a family photo with every looking at the camera---still seems impossible to me. and neither of my kids went for the smash cake. they weren't interested at all.

  4. Love your photos. Such adorable children.


Thanks for spending the {day} with me :) I'd LOVE to hear what you think!