Monday, March 19, 2012

80 Degrees in March!!

Did you enjoy the gorgeous weather this weekend? 80 degrees and sunny in March!? It was unreal! We definitely made the most of it…
Doug and Mia (and Jeff) enjoyed the Lincoln Park Zoo while I photographed a few engagement sessions.

Then we went to Grandpa’s house for dinner in the backyard. I loved swinging in this very hammock over 20 years ago and the fact that my daughter loves to do the same! Love the smiles on their faces when they hang out.

Grandpa set up his fire pit so we could pretend to be camping, complete with marshmallows, chocolate and graham crackers.

Sunday we started the day with a 1 year anniversary party at Mia’s ballet studio.

After cupcakes, dancing and cotton candy, we were off to see “Disney Live! Three Classic Fairy Tales.”

Of course I had to make Mia a princess outfit! I surprised myself with how this free project turned out, considering I didn’t have any fabric or a plan of what I was going to do. I dug through my fabric stash and ended up repurposing the lining of an old skirt of mine into a Cinderella top and skirt for Mia! My only materials were the lining, ribbon, elastic and tulle.

For $11 each, we all enjoyed the (1.5 hour) show! There is something so classic and magical about Disney's characters. I'm glad they stand the test of time. Note: Bring cash for parking at the Akoo (formerly Rosemont) Theatre.  

To end our fun filled weekend, we spent the evening on the balcony. Mia did NOT want to come inside! While Doug and I each devoured ½ lb burgers and potato salad, Mia gobbled up 1 ½ corn on the cobs.

Love, love, love weekends like these! How did you spend it?

linked up here:
Sweet Shot DayLive, Love, Travel


  1. Love Mia's princess cute! Great pics too!

  2. Your kids are absolutely stunning..oh and I LOVE s'mores


  3. these pictures are soo cute! soo jealous its 80 degrees by you! I'm in Cali and it's been in the 50's and 60's here!

  4. It looks like an amazing weekend! I love the giraffe photo and the last one. Thank you for sharing!

  5. Looks like you had a great weekend! Mine wasn't too bad either and I hope your week is just as great. :)

  6. GORGEOUS pictures as always! Love Mia's costume! :)

  7. Mia is getting SO big. She is such a pretty girl!


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