Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Baby Shower Photog

I was asked to be the photog at my sister in law’s baby shower and I said of course, it’d be my pleasure! I will eagerly accept any opportunity to practice shooting. It also gave me the chance to test out the lighting situation before Mia’s party.

After doing the baby shower and christmas cards for my brother and friend, I am realizing that a good photographer requires more skills than getting the shot in your camera. To capture the natural moments, you have to be discreet and fade into the background so people don't notice you pointing your camera at them (once people notice you, the moment is gone!).  Yet at the same time you have to be comfortable enough to coach and give straightforward directions (to make sure you get the posed people shots) without making the subjects feel awkward. Sheeesh, it's tough and there's a lot to think about in those split seconds!

Some party details:
♥ The mommy-to-be’s friends made the tissue paper poms as decoration. There's a bazillion tutorials out there.
♥ The Guess the Baby Poop game was a lot of fun! You guess which chocolate was melted in each diaper. My favorite quote of the day...I was showing a dad a picture I took of a chocolate diaper, and he goes "You took a picture of my daughter's poop??!" lol - he didn't know about the game yet and frreal thought I took a picture of his baby's poo, ewie!
♥ The Chug from a Baby Bottle game is apparently harder than you think.
♥ Always love the Guess Her Belly Size game!
♥ The giveaways were adorable cupcakes from Deerfields.  I’ve had Deerfields cupcakes at two baby showers and I think they’re my fave so far. The icing is soooo good! 
{click photos to enlarge}

I made sure I made it into one picture, out of 300. We can’t wait for the newest addition to the family J  Mia will be so happy to have a cousin nearby!

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Thanks for spending the {day} with me :) I'd LOVE to hear what you think!