Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Music Themed Toddler Party

When asked what type of party Elijah wanted for his 3rd birthday, it was no doubt that he replied with a music party! Mom and dad are brave souls for getting this latest Christmas gift...

Christine from grateful for a coffee break did a great job with Elijah’s 3rd birthday party. The DIY save the dates (emailed), invites (mailed), banner, goodie bags, and Thank You coloring sheets all coordinated to a T.
In under a month, Christine designed a save the date and invitation and sewed up a Happy 3rd Birthday Elijah banner (25 pieces!) and 15 goodie bags.

The two hour party started with a cup of coffee, thanks Christine! Elijah’s School of Music – what a great idea! The kids (5 years to 9 months) sat in a circle in the basement while Christine led a few songs that most toddlers would know (Happy Birthday, Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes, Twinkle Twinkle, etc). They were also given various musical instruments to make lots of noise go along with the beat. Then the kids played freely downstairs for the next 30 minutes until pizza came!

After pizza and Christine’s take on Portillo’s Chopped Salad, there was cake and presents. Surprisingly, gift opening went smoothly as all the kids looked on anxiously to see what the birthday boy received.

Mia knocked out shortly after we left, complete with chocolate still on her face. Signs of a good time J
Great job Christine!


  1. the party looked great! Love the theme

  2. Thanks so much for featuring me! The pics look amazing! So glad you and Mia were able to come. Elijah has been LOVING the pots and pans :)

  3. What a fun theme! I can see Mia had a blast...she's so cute! Nice pics!

  4. OMG! I don't think I could handle drums in my house. LOL!

    What a cute theme! I LOVE the school of music idea, how fun!


Thanks for spending the {day} with me :) I'd LOVE to hear what you think!