Monday, January 16, 2012

{Erin} – 9 months

On Christmas Day, my niece turned 9 months old.

I can’t wait to see how these two will play together when they’re older. I think they're wondering the same thing...

Unlike chubster Noah who hasn’t changed much in the past 9 months, I think Erin has. What do you think?

Next time, she won't fit in this basket!

Ah, the wonders of the outside world...

Crawling is Erin’s big milestone this time around and instead of an army crawl, she moves more like a slug.
{Arms, butt, legs. Arms, butt, legs...} But a dainty one with hands intertwined and legs crossed!

Before my photo sessions, I tell parents to think about what makes their child naturally laugh in their day to day interactions. Erin wasn’t too amused by our tricks until the very end when Dad let loose with some tickles and I was getting ready to go!
Now there’s the big smile I’m used to!

Hard to believe that the next session will be for her dol {Korean 1st birthday}!

linked up here:
Sweet Shot DayLive, Love, Travel


  1. Oh my goodness, all these shots are just priceless! Wonderful.

  2. ohhh what a sweet little girl! great shots of her!

  3. Beautiful photos. What a cute little girl!

  4. Your photos are just fabulous. I enjoyed looking at each one. The baby is absolutely precious!!!


Thanks for spending the {day} with me :) I'd LOVE to hear what you think!