Tuesday, January 10, 2012

{Noah} – 9 months

Before the holidays, it was time for {Noah’s} Getting So Big - 9 month pictures.

Look at how this adorable chubby guy has grown from his one, three, six and nine month sessions! He’s not even mine, but I want to kiss and squish him all over!

As usual, Noah effortlessly gave me big gummy smiles!

What handsome boys, huh?

This past weekend was Noah’s brother’s 3rd birthday. We celebrated with a music themed party that all the kids enjoyed.
Check back tomorrow for party details. Happy Birthday Elijah!

linked up here:
Sweet Shot DayLive, Love, Travel


  1. Thank you so much Mindy! The pics turned out AMAZING! I especially love the progression one and the one of ELijah and Noah side by side. I can't get over how much they look like brothers! :) Haha! Putting a post up today to link back! THanks so much!!!

  2. these are such great pics! Thanks so much for sharing your set-up. A sheet over a window is a great option for a diffuser! And you still got awesome catchlights! Thanks for linking up!


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