Monday, June 27, 2011

Introducing {Baby Aiden}

On Friday I showed you the DIY gift I made for Baby Aiden’s 100 day celebration. Before the rest of the family got there for dinner, we had a photo session for the little guy since I didn’t do a newborn shoot for him. I got there just as he finished a bottle, so he was happy and even gave me a few charming smiles J
He effortlessly puts himself to sleep and stays peacefully sleeping despite what’s going on around him. I was
easily able to shift him around here and there and do my thing. I love his silly hair!
You can just feel how elated mom and dad are since this precious baby boy made his way into their lives.
When Erin arrived, I couldn’t resist capturing the two adorable cousins - Mia was too busy with her bottle. Now's a good time to sit the babies together since they are more alert yet still too young to wiggle away hehe.
I always enjoy spending time with all our family. Since Erin and Aiden are less than three weeks apart in age, you’ll see Erin’s 100 day celebration and three month pictures soon!

linked up here:
Sweet Shot Day


  1. Oh my goodness! That last shot of the two cousins is just ADORABLE! My daughter is 6 months and the next closest cousin is 4 years! Well, until January when she'll have a cousin 13 months younger :) Can't wait for those pictures!

    ~Kristina @ Our Little Lentil

  2. What beautiful babies. Great job mom!!


  3. Love the pictures! You did a great job!!


Thanks for spending the {day} with me :) I'd LOVE to hear what you think!