Friday, June 24, 2011

DIY Baby Boy Gift – Crinkle Tag Robot

It’s a Korean tradition for babies to celebrate their 100 days (after birth). My understanding is that way back in the olden days, it was fortunate for a baby to live that long, hence the celebration (Baek-il) of the baby’s health and survival. We celebrated Baby Aiden’s 100 days this weekend, who is a very special blessing for our family. Pictures from my nephew's photo shoot will be up next week, but first I wanted to show you a DIY gift for a boy!

Late the night before (I do this to myself every time, dangit!) while catching up with America’s Best Dance Crew, I made Aiden a crinkle tag robot toy. Babies love to hear new sounds and to suck on tags at his young age, so I hope he likes it!

It cost about $2 to make (but 2.5 hours because of my slow hand stitching skills). And yes, I’d rather spend time rather than money to make a personal gift.  So call me crazy. And no, we're not completely cheap, the robot accompanied a real store bought gift, don't worry!

3 sheets of felt – $0.33 cents each
Anything crinkly (baby wipes bag, plastic bag, etc) - Free!
Ric Rac*
Thread & needle
Sewing machine (optional)

*I’ve been getting random craft supplies from Pick Your Plum. It’s like Groupon, but for craft supplies. It’s great because I can’t get to Joann/Michael’s as often as I'd like and this way, supplies just come right to my door J

Get the full Crinkle-bot tutorial from Prudent Baby here.

As part of my "Baby's Getting SO Big" series, I'll be seeing Noah and Erin for their three month pictures this weekend. My SIL asked how I was going to make the three month pictures look different from the first session....Muahaha, I love a challenge! Have a good weekend!

linked up here:
Join  us Saturdays at for the weekend wrap 
 up           party!Confessions of a Stay At Home Mommy

Thanks for the feature Macy!
Confessions of a Stay At Home Mommy


  1. super cute!! I wish I had discovered this whole world of mommy/craft blogs when my son was younger! Could have made this cute robo for him! And you're right.. not very many crafty cute things to make for boys. Girls get all the fun!

  2. newest follower from the hop:) Check me out at whenever you can

  3. Hi just calling by from Alexa Blog Hop.What a great idea. Thanks for sharing. Maybe one day I will get back into sewing and have a go. Be sure to come by and say hi. Sarah

  4. cute! I would love it if you would link up to my Tuesday Confessional link party going on now: I hope to see you soon!

  5. Thank you so much for linking up to Tuesday Confessional. You've been featured, so grab yourself a button and get your brag on!


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