Tuesday, June 28, 2011

DIY Flower Headbands and Bows

I took Baby Erin’s three month pictures this weekend, but had to make a little gift first. I wanted to dress her up a bit, so I DIY’ed these flower headbands and bows for her. Now's a good age for accessories since she's not yet aware that she can rip them off! 
Scraps of fabric and felt
Scrap of tulle (optional)
Sparkly embellishment/button/brad (for center of flowers - optional)
Needle & Thread
Fabri-tac or hot glue gun 
Lighter or candle

Cost – Didn’t have to buy a thing!

Time – An hour for four accessories while catching up on DVR’ed shows.

A - Rolled Rosettes on Elastic Headband
  1. Make rosettes with Tatertots & Jello tutorial.
  2. If you want, fold tulle and glue to square of felt. If not, skip this and move on…
  3. Arrange and sew/hot glue rosettes to felt backing. Cut excess felt so it doesn't show.
  4. Measure baby’s head (at 4 months old, Mia’s head was 42 cm) and cut elastic a little bit longer than measurement. Sew elastic ends together.
  5. Sew rosette piece to elastic where you sewed the ends together. Done!
B – Rosette on Triple Braided Yarn Headband
  1. Make rosette with Tatertots & Jello tutorial.
  2. Cut two small leaves out of felt. Arrange and sew/hot glue leaves to rosette.
  3. Measure baby’s head (at 4 months old, Mia’s head was 42 cm) and cut 9 pieces of yarn a little bit longer than measurement.
  4. Take 3 pieces, make a knot at one end, braid them, tie knot to finish. Repeat until you have 3 separate braided pieces.
  5. Take the 3 braided pieces, make a knot at one end and braid them to make your headband, tying a knot to finish.
  6. Sew rosette to middle of headband. Tie on to pretty girl’s head J
C – Singed Flower on Twisted Yarn Headband
  1. Make singed flower with Craftaholics Anonymous's tutorial. I couldn’t find a lighter, so used a candle. I also did this over the kitchen sink because of dripping wax and to minimize flammables near me. I sewed a random decorative button to the center.
  2. Measure baby’s head (at 4 months old, Mia’s head was 42 cm) and cut 2 pieces of yarn a little bit longer than measurement.
  3. Tie knot at one end, twist the two pieces around each other until the end and tie in a knot.
  4. Sew flower onto middle of headband. Tie on to pretty girl’s head J
D – Felt Bows
Follow Make it and Love it's tutorial. Her post includes lots of other cute felt flowers too. She also had a great tip for attaching a bow (without a headband or clip) to baby’s head. I’ll be using Aquaphor! haha

Check back next week to see how the second session of {Erin}’s Getting SO Big series turned out!

linked up here:

1 comment:

  1. Hey girl!
    LOVE the adorable flowers you made! Your little cutie looks so stinkin cute!! Glad you could use my tutorial!!
    happy crafting,
    PS tweeting a link to your post :)


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