Tuesday, June 21, 2011

As Seen on {MCP Actions}

There are plenty of “Project 52” photography challenges out there to encourage people to take at least one photo each week.  Oftentimes there are weekly prompts to: give you an idea of what to shoot; to challenge yourself to take pictures outside of what you normally would; or to make you creatively think of how to intrepret the theme. I finally participated in one, despite starting at week 24/52.

MCP Actions prompt for week 24 was “Make it Tasty”. Lucky for me, I just made some margarita cupcakes and submitted my photo to the MCP Project 52 flickr pool . And it was selected as one of the top 10! Yippee! Check out the other “Make it Tasty” featured photos for the week here.
Margarita Cupcakes WM
²     I finally “invested” in two white foam boards as a backdrop/reflector. They’re like $2 each and are what you would use for a school project. Now you don’t have to see my hardwood floors or coffee table next to my largest window anymore.
²     I used a leftover napkin from the Wine & Cheese party to make it more fun. J

MCP Actions is a website that offers original Photoshop Actions. Although I don't even use Photoshop, the website is a great source of photography knowledge and inspiration. So feel free to play along! Week 25’s prompt is “Crave”. And I'm challenging myself to make it non-food related. Check back tomorrow to see what I captured!

1 comment:

Thanks for spending the {day} with me :) I'd LOVE to hear what you think!