Monday, June 20, 2011

Spend the Day Playing

Tomorrow marks the first day of summer and time is flying by.  Can you believe June is almost over!? Yesterday definitely felt like a beautiful summer day as we barbequed in my parents’ backyard for Father’s Day. I love love love hanging out in our their backyard on a sunny evening, running around in the grass, eating grilled steaks and veggies and fresh fruit, enjoying each other’s company in our bouncy patio seats under shady maple trees and of course, swinging in the hammock.
On Thursday, I’ll be linking up with Gussy Sews Inspiration Workshop. The theme for this week is "Spend the Day Playing" and there's {almost} nothing I love more than spending time in the backyard I've known for the past 28 years. The purpose of her linky party is to encourage us to find inspiration and beauty around us {in real life, online, etc.}. And that is what I love about blogging...finding inspiration in other people’s ideas and inspiring others to create beautiful projects of their own. J  

linked up here:
Gussy Sews Inspiration Workshop!Sweet Shot Day


Thanks for spending the {day} with me :) I'd LOVE to hear what you think!