Wednesday, September 18, 2013

{Noah} - 2.5 years

With fall officially starting this Sunday, my weekends are full of beautiful families. This one in particular, I've been photographing since Noah was just two weeks old! And now look at this lil man at 2.5! But those big brown eyes haven't changed. They get me every time!

I'm not sure why, but Elijah loves posing lying down! On his own! He's done it for me time and time again.

Elijah, just a few months shy of 5 years old recently started pre-school. While normally you prepare the preschooler for the adjustment and as a mom look forward to the one on one time with the younger sibling, we often forget to consider how the change will affect that younger sibling. Noah misses his dear brother so so much on those days Elijah is away at school. 

Kids are always silliest with dads!

Sometimes I forget that "Hug!!" means choke hold to toddlers. 

One thing I love about photographing babies as they get so big is seeing how they change over time, right before my lens.

Ah! They found me!

And an updated headshot for mama. Can't you see this pretty face on the inside sleeve of a book? Someday, Christine!

1 comment:

  1. AHHHHH! WE LOVE THEM! Mindy they look awesome! Thank you so much!


Thanks for spending the {day} with me :) I'd LOVE to hear what you think!