Monday, September 23, 2013

Giveaway #1 of 5! Premier Designs Jewelry

Can you believe September is almost over!? This weekend not only marks the beginning of Fall, but also my third year of blogging! To celebrate, I have a full week of giveaways to thank all you readers who give me a reason to keep this lil ol’ blog of mine going. So come back every day this week to see what you can win! The first three days of giveaways support fellow entrepreneurs and today, we’re starting off with a $25 gift certificate for Premier Designs Jewelry from the 2013/2014 catalog.

Premier Designs is a 27 year old business that was founded to provide an opportunity for mothers to be able to stay home more with their children and be a company that would support ministries in America and around the world.

Recently, I hosted a dinner party with the ladies in my building for a girls’ night in complete with delicious food, a few lot of bottles of wine and beautiful Premier Designs jewelry. In between catching up, our consultant Jackie showed us tip and tricks on how you can wear pieces of jewelry in numerous ways. We were all amazed at the simple ideas to give one piece of jewelry a different look. After trying on pieces from Jackie’s full table of goodies, orders were placed, bottles of wine were finished and we all had a good night. A few weeks after the party, our orders came in and ever since, I’ve been wearing my pieces frequently!

Use the Rafflecopter widget below (or click the Rafflecopter link if the box doesn't show up) to enter to win a $25 gift certificate towards Premier Designs Jewelry from the 2013/2014 catalog. Giveaway ends Sunday, September 29, 2013 at 11:59 CST. Winner will be chosen at random and announced on Monday.
a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. Accessories tend to get in the way with little ones but I would get some new earrings or a necklace.

  2. I would love long necklaces....and earrings!

  3. Good luck to everyone! So excited to give someone some fun spending money!!

  4. earrings! or rings. something that ends in rings is what i'm looking for. :) xo

  5. A necklace or bracelets!

  6. Love the necklaces!!


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