Friday, March 8, 2013

The Big 9-0

Last Friday was a big day folks. My dear Grandmother turned ninety. Can you imagine!? Nine decades, people!

All five of her kids, eight grand-kids, seven great-grand-kids and countless other friends and family could not be happier to celebrate this milestone with her. If it weren't for my Grandma's lone migration from Thailand to Chicago back in 1968, none of us would be where we are today.

I attribute a lot of my traits to my Grandma. Most notably her pride in creating, through any means (painting, drawing, knitting, crocheting, cooking, gifting), journaling and the love of her photo albums. To this day, she proudly displays her albums for all to see - and will most definitely notice when they go missing! On almost all photos, she noted who, where and when each photo took place. She used to tell stories in amazing detail to anyone who would listen.

As a photographer and mother, this serves as an important reminder to PRINT YOUR IMAGES. With these organized albums, my family's stories live on for future generations to see. Puhhhleeaaase parents....GET IN THOSE PICTURES! You may not see beauty in yourself but decades from now, your kids and grand-kids and great grand-kids will revel in the stories you tell with your photos. I get to see... beautiful my Grandmother was in her 20s {circa 1940} as a recent nursing school graduate... dad and his siblings as toddlers and young children. It's amazing to see how us grand-kids resemble our parents when they were kids. And how today, my aunts and uncles still look like they did 50+ years ago. different you may look after working and raising five children by the time you are in your 40s {circa 1965}

...the first car that was purchased in the United States in 1971...where they would fit six adults + fishing gear! aunts and uncles in their first house that was purchased in 1975 for $60,000...the very house I grew up in...the very house that the great-grand-children play in today. radiant her smile was when caught on camera...

We celebrate you, Grandma. For how strong you've been through 90 years and for all you've done for every single one of us.

1 comment:

  1. What a blessing! Love that you shared this. Happy Birthday to Grandma!


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