Monday, March 11, 2013

90th Birthday Party: Photo Themed Decorations

As I mentioned last week, recently we celebrated my Grandma's 90th birthday. {Thank you to my aunt who let us use her restaurant.} With my Grandmother's well kept photos, we highlighted milestones in her long and successful life to look back and celebrate all that she's done. Here's a look at her photo themed 90th birthday party decorations...

We Love You Photo Collage Banner
While waiting for the best spread of Thai food I've ever seen, friends and family could take in this "We love you!" photo collage banner I made with wrapping paper, red cardstock and photos in the shape of a heart - {inspired by Emily Mughannam}.

Photo Family Tree
My Grandma is the tie that binds this family together. I am so so glad that {almost} everyone came to the house my Grandma purchased in 1975, where we could bond over good food, shots of Rumchata and late night card games {where I may have lost $180}. With this life size family tree, we were able to showcase our growing family...

Yarn Wreath and Yarn Pom Flowers
My Grandma knit/crocheted a baby blanket for all seven of her great-grand children. She's made countless hats and scarves for anyone who will take them. Although I ran to Michael's many times to buy her yarn, I regret never taking the time to learn how to knit/crochet from her. This DIY yarn wreath and yarn pom flowers were a nod to one of Grandma's many talents.

Small Floral Centerpieces
My Grandma loves all things beautiful in nature and according to my dad, would grow roses wherever she went. I re-arranged small flower arrangements for each table from grocery store bundles. Rather than tablecloths, each vase {really stem-less wine glasses} was wrapped with gold glitter tape and laid atop a cloth napkin {shop your house!!}.
 Each centerpiece held two photos - one self portrait and one birthday celebration of years past.

Photo Timeline
Since my Grandma maintained her photo albums with notes of who, where and when each photo was taken, it was easy to put together this timeline starting with her and her 11 siblings, my aunts and uncles as young children, my aunts and uncles in their first house in the US, and my grandmother with each grandchild and each great-grandchild.

Truly amazing how one woman who immigrated to Chicago by herself in 1968, laid the foundation for the lives of over twenty of our family members and friends and generations to come. We love you, Grandma B.

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  1. Could not love this more. I bet your grandma was so happy. And so proud of how hard you worked to make her day so special!

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Thanks for spending the {day} with me :) I'd LOVE to hear what you think!