Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Photography Filled Weekend - Baby Sneak Peeks!

Whooowheee! These March babies really fill up my schedule! Here's a sneak peek of each lovely little one...

Last weekend I photographed my niece.  Erin's patiently awaiting her party. J You'll see more of her throughout the month as I help my sister in law plan the dol (Korean 1st birthday celebration).

My other sister in law's son, Aiden, turned one.  This weekend, we celebrated with dinner complete with hanbok, dduk and traditional doljanchi table.

Next up was Noah. Whenever I ooooh, ahhh and awwww over my photos of Noah, Doug says "You looooooooove him." How can you not love Noah's chubby soft skin, big brown eyes and sweet smile??

Lastly was Alex, the newest addition to lil mama's photo shoot family. This little big chubby boy is only 6 months old!

You'll see more of these precious faces in the next few weeks. What were you up to this weekend? It was a drive by myself with the sunroof open, sunglasses on and music blasting kind of weekend in Chicago. Meaning it's starting to warm up and feel like Spring! 

linked up here:
Sweet Shot DayLive, Love, Travel


  1. That first shot is something I really really love :) *a huge sigh*

  2. The little girl with the pink balloons is probably one of the best photographs of a child I have seen in such a long time.


  3. they're all great, but that first one kills me. too cute!

  4. i am so in love with that first shot!! beautiful lighting, beautiful composition, and beautiful little girl!! Great shot!!

  5. Thanks mindy! I love this picture because it really looks like Erin is waiting for her guests to arrive!

  6. Beautiful photos! That first one is totally perfect : )

  7. i LOVE that first shot with the balloons!! beautiful!

  8. I love the props you used! So cute!

  9. I think the first photo is stunning! It's really girly, romantic, soft, and joyful. You have done such a great job capturing that scene. I love it!

  10. These are great shots! The first one is absolutely beautiful...the light, the softness...love it! :)


Thanks for spending the {day} with me :) I'd LOVE to hear what you think!