Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Baby Boy Birthday/Shower Gifts

Aiden turned one last week and I put together transportation themed gifts for him. Doug doesn't understand why all my gifts must go together! Everything has to make sense. The Martha in me wouldn't have it any other way. I'm weird, I know.

Books - Go Dog Go {Target} and Things that Go {Barnes & Noble}
Transportation Bath Toys {a boutique in the neighborhood}
Cars and Trucks Crayon Roll {etsy shop Because I'm Me via Groopdealz}
Transportation Puzzle {Melissa & Doug from Toys R Us}
Thomas the Train {Kohl's}
New Balance Shoes {Nordstrom}
DIY Car Applique - I picked up a clearance long sleeved shirt and hand stitched a felt applique over the teddy bear that was already there. Remember, I have to have everything tie into the theme!
DIY Crinkle Airplane - Aiden loved my crinkle tag robot so much that I had to make a replacement! It's filled with a plastic bag and baby wipes bag to make a crinkle noise. I was inspired by this cute little guy, but mine didn't come out quite as cute. So no tutorial here (unless you ask, then I'll post one!).   Changing threads probably would've helped. But when it's late at night, I want a quick project!

Despite the imperfections, I'm happy to report that Aiden likes the wonky mismatched thread crinkle plane!

linked up here:

1 comment:

Thanks for spending the {day} with me :) I'd LOVE to hear what you think!