Friday, January 20, 2012

{Jenelle} – 6 months

Now that you’ve seen Noah and Erin, we have Jenelle at 6 months to round out my week of babies who are Getting SO Big!

Jenelle came over on a Sunday morning while Mia and Doug went to church. Mom and I enjoyed the stillness of quiet morning air with just one non talking/moving baby in the house *sigh* You know, the stillness like when your baby finally goes to sleep and you plop down on the couch, take a deep breath to relax and ignore all the things you need to be doing before baby wakes up? 

With no distractions, Jenelle’s eyes and smiles were on me the whole time.

Great job Dad, getting her to sit up all by herself while you were on break!

I think she's getting ready to crawl!

Just like her big sister Maya had, Jenelle’s got some silly patches of curly hair growing in!
Or “Kramer” hair as Mom would call it!

6 months is such a happy smiley baby age, I think she had a good time J

linked up here:
Sweet Shot Day


Thanks for spending the {day} with me :) I'd LOVE to hear what you think!