Thursday, January 19, 2012

Fall Family Portraits in Chicago

Remember back in the fall when I posted about coordinating family portrait outfits? I never showed you how my Thanksgiving cards turned out! I ordered the cards from Snapfish. Couldn't beat a buy one set get one free deal - $40 for 40 cards on heavy cardstock! (Disregard the quality below, this was scanned in.)

I asked my fellow aspiring photographer friend, Elaine (who after being online photography forum friends for over a year, finally met at Sprout), to capture our family out and about in our neighborhood. To prep Mia for the shoot, I kept saying that my friend Elaine would come to take our pictures. During the shoot I kept telling Mia to say hi to Elaine. After that, I think Mia thought Elaine’s name was “Hi Elaine!!” J

This peek-a-boo picture is one of my favorites from the session and had to include it on the back of our card.

The picture on the left is from our engagement session. I love how Elaine captured a similar image (on the right), now that we're a family of three. © Maybe I should get them both in canvases...

It was nice to actually be in pictures for once.

Walking around with my photographer eyes open got me so excited to shoot more portraits in the neighborhood! There were so many textured and colored walls that I want to take advantage of.

Check out more photos from our family session in the city at Elaine’s newly launched blog.  Also, since Elaine wants to focus on shooting sports, she has killer Bulls images...that she got signed!!!


  1. I looooovvvvvee them!!! Thanks "Hi Elaine"! Great job!

  2. Thanks guys! I had a blast. Hi Mia!

  3. So sweet! Elaine did an awesome job! Glad you were able to be in the pictures :).


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