Friday, December 2, 2011

Twin Boys at the Lincoln Park Conservatory

After Mia's dance class on Sunday, "Mommy go to work. Mommy take a pictures boys." J I had the pleasure of shooting adorable 14 month old twin boys at the Lincoln Park Conservatory. Good location suggestion by Mom because the lighting was soft and even, it was free, and Christmas decorations were up, but not obnoxiously all over the place.

Normally, Oliver and Andrew wear their signature colors (Oliver - Green {like an olive}, Andrew -Blue {rhymes}) so people can tell them apart. Such a good system! But not today, can you tell who's who?

The boys did great, especially for being out and about an hour before I arrived. It's always helpful when Mom and Dad interact with their kids to make them laugh and naturally smile instead of saying "Cheeeeeeese! Smiiiiiiiiiiile!" Which Mia totally says everytime she's in front of a camera (or pretending to take pictures of herself).

These two have come so far from being born early, weighing under 4 lbs and spending time in the Infant Special Care Unit.
And I just have to leave you with these adorable, lovable, heart melting mommy and daddy kisses ©
  **Don’t see any family pictures in this post? I don’t want to spoil their Christmas/Holiday card!**

Annnnnnnd that's the last of my family photo sessions for this holiday season - promise! Now let's get back to some crafting around this DIY blog! I plan to peacefully stroll around Michael's and Joann's on myself. Don't be jealous.

linked up here:
Sweet Shot Day


Thanks for spending the {day} with me :) I'd LOVE to hear what you think!