Thursday, December 1, 2011

Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus

Since we weren't seeing my niece and nephew for Thanksgiving, we decided to take the kids to the circus on Saturday before my 10 year reunion. When I called ticketmaster to order tickets for the Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus at the United Center, I mentioned that I had a discount code (for just a few dollars off). But then the service rep decided to find me a bigger discount and I scored tickets for 40% off bringing it to a mere $18/pp! I © service reps who are actually helpful. And unexpected discounts J

It was nearly every one's first time to the circus and we were all pleasantly surprised at how fun it was!
These two cousins remind me of me and my brother since we have almost the same age gap.
And especially because Ryu totally looks like my brother as a kid and Mia is a mini-me.

We were in awe of the tight rope walkers...

...clowns, acrobats, zebras, horses, fiesty tigers...

...jugglers, moonwalkers, a human cannonball where the guy was completely on fire! And our favorite, the elephants J

The 2.5 hour show (including intermission) was just a little too long for the kids (7, 4, and 2) and oftentimes there was so much going on Doug didn't know what to look at! This stupid sno-cone was $10. But the souvenir cup that Mia now eats her snacks out of is worth it haha.

Then it was off to my 10 year high school reunion. Let's just say it brought back the good ol' {college-type-partying til 5am} days. Then on Sunday I miraculously took Mia to ballet at 1030am and photographed a pair of twin boys! Check back soon....


  1. I laughed at the sno cone comment! Glad you guys had fun. We almost got tickets to go, but thought the boys might be too young. Glad we waited!

  2. That is one wicked-cool elephant cup! Looks like a fun time!


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