Monday, September 26, 2011

**CLOSED** Giveaway #1 – Little Penelope Lane

Hi there! Were you able to dodge the on and off rain this weekend? Luckily I did when photographing Noah and Erin! It’s so fun seeing how these two have changed since March. And so much more fun shooting outside!

Can you believe it’s the last week of September already!? Crazy how quickly time flies! And can you believe after 210 posts, 42,000 page views, 112 followers and 400 comments, Friday marks my one year blogiversary?! Hoooray! To celebrate, I’ll have a week of giveaways for you! Come back every day to see what you can win!

Remember how I adored the Little Penelope Lane booth at the Queen Bee Market? To kick of my first blogiversary, Sarah has been so kind to give away this “Fall in Love” hair wrap to one of you! It is one size fits all  (simply tie the ends together) so it can be for you, or your little one! Mia likes to make me wear her hair accessories or she likes to wear mine, so this would be perfect for us! You should also read about how Little Penelope Lane began here. I admire people who make the most of what they've been dealt.

Contrary to what most people think, you don’t need to have a blog, tweet or FB account to enter giveaways! Here’s how you can enter to win Little Penelope Lane’s “Fall in Love” hair wrap:

**If your account isn't linked to your email, don't forget to leave it in each comment!**
Required: Visit Little Penelope Lane’s Store and leave a comment on this post with the name of your favorite hair accessory.

Optional extra entries, one for each: {Leave a separate comment here letting me know which you did.}
Follow Little Penelope Lane’s blog.
Follow Little Penelope Lane on twitter.
Like Little Penelope Lane on FB.
Subscribe to a {day} with lil mama stuart via email (on the right)
Follow me via Google Friend Connect (use the “Join this site” button on the right) - no blog/blogger account needed!
Tweet this giveaway.
Post this giveaway on your blog.
Post this giveaway on your FB page.

That’s a total of nine possible entries per person! Giveaway ends Thursday, September 29, 2011 at 11:59pm CST. Winner will be chosen at random and announced on Friday.

Thanks for reading! Having an audience makes blogging all the more worthwhile!


  1. Hi mindy! Congrats on your anniversary! Just subscribed via email. My favorite accessory is the vintage summer head wrap.

  2. Now I am following you through Google friend connect

  3. My favorite hair accessory is Fall in Love!

    -Britt T.

  4. I think the Fall in Love is actually my favorite, although I like the Aunt Helen for days I'm feeling peppier!

  5. Congrats on your anniversary! New follower!

  6. i love mesa! and the vintage hair clip. so much good stuff! :-)

  7. i like piper pear
    happy anniversary!!

  8. My favorite is Vintage Summer!

  9. I follow Little Penelope Lane's blog.

  10. I subscribed via email.

  11. I followed your site.

  12. I loved Bloom but ordered Miss Red Rider for my granddaughter. My DIL wanted a red handband to match an outfit and now I don't have to make it! LOL

  13. Bruce is actually Betsi but somehow his picture showed up under the google account. Sorry about that. My daughter Lori C will think it is funny. BTW, I am now following on facebook.

  14. I *love* the Oh Happy Day hairband!! So cute!

  15. Love the black beauty!


  16. Love the Midnight in Paris headband! :)

  17. I just love the Vintage Flower clip or maybe it's the cutie wearing it.


  18. I'm also a new follower - love your blog and the cute tutorials.


Thanks for spending the {day} with me :) I'd LOVE to hear what you think!