Friday, September 23, 2011

Downtown Chicago Magnificent Mile Wedding

Last weekend, Doug stood up in our friends’ wedding. Judging from my bouquet toss two years ago, (and the lack of participation from a majority of my friends) it was pretty clear who was getting married next.

Girl’s got hops, fought for that bouquet, and tore it up!
photo via MishaMedia
Mia did well in church. But man, does she talk a lot! “Read. Read. Book. Mom read book. Goldfish. Open. Mommy Open. Please. Mommy hold. Singing. Pretty singing. Kid. Kid. Kid standing. Mia standing. Mommy walk. Picture. Take picture. Church. Take picture church. Take picture Mia. Camera. Daddy. Daddy walk. yaddayaddayaddayadda…” I think we kept Auntie Shannon thoroughly entertained. I still managed to get a few shots in with a talkative toddler by my side.

The new Mr & Mrs!

Mia stayed home after church and I snooped around the reception to check out all the details. Brides and grooms put so much thought, time and effort into the little things, the least we can do is appreciate them!

The wedding was captured by the one and only MishaMedia, but I can’t pass up an opportunity to practice. My friend even said at dinner, “You can’t stop envisioning your pictures, huh?” I enthusiastically replied, “No I can’t! Can you tell? Doug even asks me what I’m thinking about when I get a blank stare when we’re out and about. And I tell him ‘I’m picturing my shots!’ Even if I don’t have my camera with me.” She said it was written all over my face as I’d constantly scan the room and then whip out my camera. What can I say? Creative minds just don’t have an off switch!

Ok back to the details…El map place cards. And oh so Chicago Garret’s popcorn for favors, yum! To add a personal touch, they lined the guest book table with their collective race medals. These two are quite the athletes!

The giant backdrop and purple lighting at the Chicago Marriott Downtown Magnificent Mile definitely set the mood. Chicago landmarks for (DIY) table numbers, flowers by Palomino Floral Designs

The couple obviously went with a Chicago themed wedding, starting with the skyline silhouette on their invite (seen in the background here). And how unique is their cake?! Loved it! When you look closer, it’s a simple three tiered square cake embellished with our city’s iconic skyscrapers. Not to mention, it was delicious!
cake by the Chicago Downtown Marriott
The beautiful bride rockin’ her Winnie Couture dress…

The couple had an enormous entourage, including these adorable little ladies in their lovely flowy dresses.

For awhile now, the bride and groom have been taking dance lessons at Ballroom Dance Chicago. And boy did it pay off! The crowd loved their fancy moves! Doug and I sure weren't that graceful.

And here is a classic big ol’ smile from the groom. The bride had no idea what he was pulling out from under there!

And after that, I drank, talked and danced the night away. I noticed that I take more pictures of details than I do of people. I need to work on photographing people! Sometimes I wish I had my point and shoot to pull out for the fun drunken friends’ moments. It's hard to find the right balance of actually being in the moment to enjoy it versus capturing them. Anywhoos, I topped the night off with a White Castle slider at the bride and groom’s after-party in the Presidential Suite J It was a beautiful day, I hope you two enjoyed it!

Tune in next week for my one year blogiversary and lots of giveaways!
Have a great weekend! I'll be busy shooting photographing three babies!

linked up here:
Sweet Shot Day


  1. INCREDIBLE photos! What a beautiful wedding!

  2. What a GORGEOUS wedding!!! congrats on your blog-er-versary too!


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