Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Wedding Season!

Doug and I haven’t been to a wedding since our own, two years ago. Luckily, we made it to the Fourth Presbyterian Church just a few minutes before the ceremony started! After I told the cabbie, “Um no. That is not the Church. That’s Water Tower.” and quickly hustled my butt through the tourists. *eyeroll*

Now that I look at everything from a photographer’s point of view, I just. can't. stop. envisioning shots everywhere I look. And sometimes I wish I had a zoom lens (all pics taken with my 50mm f/1.4). The couple held hands the entire time and I wish I was standing right there to capture it. During the ceremony, as a classical singer, the Bride's sister sang a beautiful solo. I can only imagine how special that felt for the Bride.   

It was nice to have the reception just across the street at the Westin, with cocktail hour starting shortly after the ceremony. Before guests arrived, I poked around taking pictures of details (which I love!) until Doug could no longer handle the boredom from my ignoring him.  Here’s the reception from my eyes…

Upgrade in liquor and yummy hors d'oeuvres J

Clearly paying homage to each other's alma maters...

Even the bathroom matched the wedding/school colors!

I loved how you could see The Hancock, Water Tower, and the Church right outside the windows of the reception.
So Chicago...J

In lieu of favors, the couple donated to the American Liver Foundation.

Although super cute, the shoes came off every bridesmaid after they made it down the aisle out of the Church.
I didn't touch these - they were just asking to be photographed though, no?

There were dogs for cake toppers - a way to include Pooh since he didn't make the cut to be a ring bearer.

The food was delicious. From a poached pear salad to a well cooked steak with potatoes. The speeches were memorable, where one matron of honor mentioned how Ashlee was “her (now Chris’s) person” (think Grey’s/Meredith/Christina) and the other matron of honor said she couldn’t be more proud of her little sister for moving to Chicago and making a new life for herself. I could clearly see how proud Kylee was from how she watched her little sister on the dance floor with their dad…

It was nice to get out (just the two of us), catch up with old college friends, and get drunk enough to sing and dance to some 80s rock again J Check back tomorrow to see the personalized gift I made for the couple!

linked up here:
Sweet Shot Day


  1. Mindy-you are amazing. I know I already told you on the book but you are so talented. These pictures are amazing. I'm showing everyone at work and I also just sent this to a lot of people. Everyone needs to see how great these pictures are. Thank you for taking shots of the important things I missed. Chris and I love you.


  2. New follower from the Alexa Hop. The pictures are all great.

  3. Stopping by from the Alexa hop! Would love a visit back :)

    Kristen from


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