Tuesday, July 5, 2011

4th of July Recap

Hi! Did you enjoy your holiday weekend? We had beautiful summer weather and a long weekend packed with a wedding (pictures tomorrow!), Erin’s 100 day celebration, the Lakefront and Mia’s first time at the pool.

Now this is why I love being part of a Korean family...mmMMmMm kalbi...

On Monday, we went down to Diversey Harbor. Unlike the Memorial Day disaster, there was no traffic and the parking lot was empty because we went at 11am. And there was no poopy mess because Mia poops in the toilet now! Anyway, it was peaceful and quiet where Mia could walk along the steps saying wa-wa while watching all the boats on the lake, lay on a blanket in the grass eating snacks while admiring the skyline and watch all the bikes and dogs going by on the path while saying arf-arf!
We ♥ our 4th of July tradition J
Here are some same-time-last-year comparisons...or YoY growth as two CPAs might say. *snort* 
We also took Mia to the pool for the first time (other than swimming class) and she loved it! She wasn’t scared at all and wanted to run right in, without our help. No pictures there because I am paranoid of having my camera stolen in public places!


  1. Awww i love the year over year comparisons! :)

  2. LOL! I'm not even Korean but we had Kalbi at our 4th of July BBQ too!! DEEELISH!!!


Thanks for spending the {day} with me :) I'd LOVE to hear what you think!