Tuesday, July 12, 2011

CSO at Ravinia Festival

I’ve never been to Ravinia (a summer music venue in the north suburbs). But thanks to free {lawn} tickets from Doug’s firm, we went for the first time last weekend. It only took us 30 minutes to get there on a Friday night from the city and we claimed a good spot in the lawn an hour and a half before show time.
We picnicked on my mom’s our blanket in the grass with a bottle of Riesling and some pasta salad. I wish I brought more cheese and crackers though! It was a beautiful warm summer night to take in the soothing sounds of the Chicago Symphony Orchestra.
I love kicking off my sandals to lay on a blankie on a sunny day.
I also love that it’s BYOB J I creepily took pictures of other people’s stuff as they enjoyed the atmosphere as well. The regular concert goers don’t mess around and come with chairs, coolers and even tables!
Mia was quiet when she was supposed to be, clapped and said YAY! when everyone else did and asked for more more more music J I think it was $10 well spent (parking) for a relaxing summer evening with my little family.
Oh, we also went to a festival by our house and had to include another same-time-last-year comparison J

linked up here:
Sweet Shot DayGussy Sews Inspiration Workshop!


  1. You've never been to Ravinia before?!? Glad you enjoyed your first time!

  2. Polka Dot wine is one of my favorites! Makes me want to go grab some!

  3. Sweet family pics - & Delicious wine too! :)

    Hopping over from Gussy!

    Have a great day!

  4. Oh that looks like heaven! Wine and good music! Stopping by from Gussy :-)


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