Monday, July 11, 2011

As Seen On {The CSI Project} - Shabby Chic Tea Party

Hi there! Today I’m guest posting (for the first time, hooray!) at The CSI Project (Create Something Inspiring) to share tips and tricks for planning a party. I showed you a sneak peek of the Shabby Chic 1st Birthday Tea Party weeks ago and have yet to do a full reveal. You've been anxiously waiting, right?! Check out my post for Parties & Picnics week for more details!
If you’re a new visitor, thanks for stopping by! I hope you stay awhile J


  1. Just found your blog via the CSI project! Thanks for sharing your tips!

  2. So exciting Mindy! You go girl! Congrats!

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Thanks for spending the {day} with me :) I'd LOVE to hear what you think!