Friday, April 8, 2011

New Ride

Check out Mia's sweet new ride! It's so freakin' cute, right!? With a functional horn, radio and turn signals, how cool! Oddly enough, when Mia first saw it, she said I have no idea how she knew what it was before us telling her. It must be from her books. Crazy how many new words she learns every day! She's totally going to talk a lot just like Daddy.
I was originally going to ask for my present back from Ryu paint my 25 year old classic Strawberry Shortcake tricycle a second time for Mia, but now I don't have to haha. Thanks Rochelle and Roselle! :)


  1. That is the cutest little bike I've ever seen! Your kids are adorable too!

    happy weekend!

  2. Hi there I am a new follower and love your blog
    That bike is so cute!
    Stop by any time.


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