Monday, April 11, 2011

Finally Feels Like Spring!

A month ago, I may have said that Spring was around the corner. But let’s be honest, it still wasn’t safe to pack away the winter coats. Until this weekend where it was 60s on Saturday and then near 80s on Sunday! 
 Even flowers aren’t sure if they can come out from hibernation yet.

 But I did make this Spring/Birthday arrangement out of Jewel's 3/$12 bunches. Not bad, right?

Mia loved being outside and was SO happy to take a walk with Halmani.

And Halmani's always happy to see her two babies.

We also got together for my mom’s birthday with pizza from Barnaby’s and a cake from Rolf’s, just like she wanted. J
I attempted to get some birthday girl pictures with all three grandkids, which was quite challenging.

The cousins loved playing outside! And I love watching how much fun they have together.
Can't wait for summer bbq'ing in that backyard J

I hope you were able to get out and enjoy the gorgeous weather too! I know my mom enjoyed her golfing J
Happy Birthday Mom, we love you! Hoooooray!

linked up here:
Sweet Shot Day

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Thanks for spending the {day} with me :) I'd LOVE to hear what you think!