Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Little Beans Cafe

We didn’t have anything planned this weekend, so we decided to take Mia to  Little Beans Cafe on Saturday. Ok, so I was really scoping the place out to see if it’ll be the venue for her 2nd birthday party. Haha, I know you think I’m crazy. But I’m ok with that. Everyone knows what a crazy planning family we are. J But seriously, the earlier you plan, the less stressful and cheaper it’ll be!

Since some of you come here looking for pictures of Mia, here you go! She didn’t particularly look like she was having a ton of fun, maybe because there were a lot of bigger kids running around. But I’m sure she enjoyed getting out of the house for a bit.

The play space is way bigger than Family Grounds Cafe and the prices are equivalent. The parking is way easier at Little Beans also. There were a ton of different play areas: crawlers only space; dollhouses; a firehouse complete with slide, firetruck and dress up props; a grocery store; a play house; tons of props to play dress up; an auto shop, desks/books, and train table.
I loved all the little details…the grocery store had an ATM outside; the play house had a mini piano, oriental rug, and mantle complete with fireplace and mirror on top; and the autoshop had cars, tools and a gas pumping station!Check out Mia with a tutu from the dress up stash on her Beamer outside the auto shop! This place would be great when your kids get cabin fever on a cold or rainy day and need to run around to let all that energy out.
On a photography note, when shooting toddlers with adults everywhere, it's easy to get a lot of crotches in your shot when you're down at a toddler level. Be careful of what's in the background of your frame!

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