Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Hawks Beat San Jose 6-3!

Doug and I went to the Hawks game yesterday and it was AWESOME! It was my first hockey game ever and it couldn’t have been any better! We had a drink at the Ketel One Club before heading down to meet Coach Q.  Just being in the hallways of the locker rooms was cool! J Since we had no idea we were going to the game until that day (thanks Grandma for working overtime on short notice!) and went to the UC right after work, I didn’t have a chance to go home and get my camera! L Photos taken with a BB... 

Coach Q came to talk to me, Doug and my two bosses. Cool! One on one time! And he was so nice and surprisingly soft spoken underneath that intimidating stache! We talked about the visit to the White House, his ulcer, the need for this win since we've lost the first three times we played SJ and Niemi being on the other side.   

Then we headed up to our 100 level row 11 seats with beers and hot dogs in hand J My kinda dinner! Doug and I were so excited to be up close to the action. The players looked so crisp! At one point I told Doug, “It’s cold in here.” And he’s like, “Duh, this is an ice rink.” Lol I suppose.

We were down 2-1 at the end of the first period, but came back strong in the second. It was awesome to have them score most of the goals on our side of the rink! The five goals were the most for the Hawks in any one period this season. Toews set a career-high with his 70th point while Kane’s goal was his 100th. Glad we could be there for these milestones! In the third period you could tell the Sharks were hustling and the action was much quicker, but the gamed ended 6-3. Before last night, the Sharks hadn’t lost a game by more than a single goal. These sports stats make Doug love me more J


  1. Thanks for taking me to the game!!! It was freakin awesome dude! :)

  2. Mindy these pics are awesome!!!

    I'm glad you had fun...there's even one of Sharp in there and you were so close:)

  3. Glad you had fun! But the Sharks are my team! (:


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