Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Second Family Photo Shoot

When my sister in law asked me to take their Christmas pictures this year, I delightfully accepted!  I just got my new lens a few days earlier and was excited to practice on something outside of my own home. We wanted to go to the Morton Arboretum, but the rain and cold front didn’t let that happen.

While I waited for the four of them to get ready (apparently this is very difficult with two toddlers), I snapped a few of Mia minding her own business, keeping herself busy with new toys. 

I got Ryu to tell me a few jokes to get some smiles.  And Kira wanted to see what I was up to by climbing all over me!
 Once everyone was ready, it was one hectic hour of taking pictures!  Man, I was seriously sweating from trying to get some good shots.  I don’t even think I got that many!  But good thing is that they’re family, and we can always try again another time. For many years to come haha.  Hopefully I’ll get better with the lens with more practice.  I initially thought the hardest part about a prime lens would be getting used to not zooming, but I quickly forgot about this amidst thinking about the other million things to adjust for.  I think the hardest part was getting them in an ideal pose or even getting them all in the frame!  *Phew!* It was tiring and not easy! I don't think this will be making the Christmas card hehe.


Thanks for spending the {day} with me :) I'd LOVE to hear what you think!