Wednesday, November 17, 2010

I Love the Holidays!

For so many reasons…

Running to the window to see snow falling. Looking at untouched snow glistening in the sun.  Stomping through the slush in my big boots with my warm coat.  Getting together with friends and family over delicious feasts. Warming up the house with an oven full of cookies. Devouring way too many warm chestnuts. Sipping on peppermint mochas. Listening to 93.9 (only after Thanksgiving though). Putting up my winter wonderland of decorations. Wrapping pretty presents and admiring them under our little tree. and cuddling under warm blankies.

 And today, I picked up tons of goodies for cooking, baking and crafting in the upcoming weeks! 
Lil Mama Stuart is soooooooo excited and will be busy busy busy! eeeeeeee! J 

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