Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Tailgate Chili Recipe

Gussy Sews Inspiration Workshop!
Before I left for California, I knew I had to leave Doug with a few meals so he doesn’t starve while caring for our baby.  He requested chili. To eat the entire weekend.

While tailgating at UofI for the Ohio State game a few years ago, Andrea warmed up individually packaged tins of chili on the grill.  It was perfect for a cold day of tailgating. 
Andrea gave me her mom’s recipe and I adapted it a little to make it my own.  Thanks Mrs. Z! I also made a batch for Doug’s Bears/Packers tailgate last year.  His friend said it was better than his dad’s, who is from Texas!  Now that’s a compliment. J

The necessities which serves 8:
3 lbs of ground beef
2 packages of Spicy Chili Mix
1 large can Tomato Sauce
2 cans Tomato Soup
2 cans Diced Tomatoes
1 can Spicy Chili Beans, drained
1 large onion, diced
Spices to taste:
Chili powder
Black pepper
Hot sauce
Serve with:
Club crackers
Cheddar Cheese

Brown the meat. Then drain all the fat.

Toss in the chili mix, all the canned goods and the diced onions.

Add the spices to your liking.  I’m sure chili powder and the chili mix already have all the remaining spices, but I throw some extra in just to feel like I’m contributing to the recipe.  I also like my chili with a good kick, so I definitely add extra pinches of cayenne and dashes of hot sauce.

Give it a good stir and transfer to crock pot.  Set it. And forget it! Is that infomercial still on anymore?  I wouldn’t know, I sleep at 9:30pm.  If you don't have a crock pot, letting it simmer on the stove works too.   I set my crockpot on low for a few hours and give it a good stir every half hour or so. 

I love cheese, so I add some on top and let it melt.  I absolutely must have buttery club crackers to eat alongside it or it's just not the same!

If you'll be taking this along for a tailgate, you can buy some foil/tin mini loaf pans (they come with lids too) which are perfect for individual serving sizes.  Just put them on the grill over indirect heat to warm them up on a cold football afternoon. Be careful when handling the hot tin off the grill though!

If you have way more chili than you can eat in a week, the recipe freezes well too.  Just defrost in the fridge and pop it in a pot when you want it later.

Warning: As tempting as it may be, if you eat the entire batch of chili in one weekend (by yourself), like Doug did, you may feel ill. 


  1. Mindy, LOVE this. Will have to try your recipe sometime. Keep it up!

  2. Hi Felicia! Thanks for stopping by :) Hopefully you can meet Mia some time too!

  3. Try with chicharrones instead of crackers next time


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