Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Babies R Us to the Rescue!

This is probably TMI for 99% of you, but it may be helpful to other moms out there.

ORD to LAX is sort of a long flight, 3 hours 45 minutes.  But from the time I left home to the time we landed and had lunch at Bottega Louie, it had been a good 10 hours. Since I am a nursing mom, the trip messed with my routine a little.  I'm talkin' six times a day normally.  As we wrapped up lunch, I looked to my mom friend and said, “What are we going to do about these?” Since I forgot my pump's battery pack, taking care of business in the car or bathroom wasn't an option. I needed an outlet and some privacy. Luckily Andrea was there to suggest if a Babies R Us was nearby since they have nursing rooms.  Phew! One was on the way to our next destination.  Crisis (and pain) averted! 

Nursing moms, if you’re on the go and need somewhere to pump, check out a local Babies R Us or Buy Buy Baby!


Thanks for spending the {day} with me :) I'd LOVE to hear what you think!