Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Our Little Pumpkin at the Patch

We love family time and want to do as many fun things with Mia as we can.  Hopefully some of them will evolve into traditions.  This weekend we took our little pumpkin to Goebbert’s Pumpkin Farm  in Barrington. 

I heard it can get packed and crazy on the weekends, but there was some light rain in the morning that I think deterred people later in the afternoon.  It wasn’t crowded at all and thankfully it wasn’t wet.  Unlike Bengston’s in Homer Glen which costs over $10 (adults and kids) admission, Goebbert’s was free to roam the grounds.  There may be admission for the activities (pony rides, animals like giraffes and camels, etc), but it’d still be cheaper than Bengston’s.  We didn’t need any of those activities anyways since Mia is still little and probably would end up watching people rather than animals.  We’ll do those things next year when she can run around.  

Bengston's did have awesome pig races, but Goebbert's has them on the weekends too.  Also, the layout at Goebbert's is way better than Bengston’s.  There are so many cute little setups that make for great photo opps. So that’s basically what the trip was…an opportunity for mommy to practice more picture taking J  “Put her here. Ok now here. Get out of the picture! Mia look here!” Mia was a little scared at first when we kept putting her down by herself to take pictures.
Look at all those teeth coming in!
I think she’s at the age where separation anxiety develops.  But then later she enjoyed standing and playing with the pumpkins all by herself.  
mMmmMM pumpkin...
Which one to pick...

Squealing with excitement!

Telling us how much fun she had!

Quiet time...
Getting tired!
So all in all, it was a fun free day at the pumpkin patch. J  We’ll definitely be returning to Goebbert’s instead of Bengston’s. Another bonus was that we stopped at IKEA afterwards. J Check back in next week for our pumpkin carving party!

I could end the pumpkin patch post there, but I <3 food.  So keep reading if you care to hear what we had for dinner…Pork Shoppe.  Thanks to that little picture, we know where ham comes from. Anyway, Doug decided we go with the ½ and ½ with a side of fries and corn on the cob.  It was accompanied with the Tart & Tangy Sauce and the Wicked Spicy Sauce free of charge. As he got in the car, I could smell the smoky deliciousness already.  When I opened the package at home, my hungry eyes complained that this didn’t look like enough food. *rawr*  But after I devoured my half slab of smoky meat, I was full. J Note, the corn on the cob is dinky, but you get a good portion of fries.  Which Doug told me were so good like five times. The Spicy Sauce has a good kick to it and may leave your mouth burning if you consume too much of it. We also ran into our neighbors who say the brisket tacos are good.  We’ll definitely be back to try those.  And since Doug doesn't do well ordering on his own, he liked the simple menu.    


  1. She totally looks like Doug in the "getting tired" photo!

  2. Omgosh! Those came out ADORABLE!!

    I was thinking of doing a post with some of my old tutorial links in it, would you mind if I used some of your pics and linked back to you??


Thanks for spending the {day} with me :) I'd LOVE to hear what you think!