Tuesday, October 26, 2010

DIY - Fleece/Felt Flower Headband

Since Mia was mistaken for a boy the last time she was sporting her Bears gear, it’s time I give the girl some accessories. And although the Jim McMahon look is fitting for the season, I thought the plain headband could be dolled up a little.  I used to think baby headbands were silly, until I got a baby girl of my own!

I used a ‘felt mum’ tutorial from Samster Mommy.  I love her simple and easy projects (more legwarmers will be made soon!).  Instead of felt, I used some leftover fleece fabric that I had from making Doug a Bears pillow a few years ago.  And as a true art project-er, nothing ever gets thrown away – you never know when it may come in handy for future projects! Since this was my first time, the flower wasn’t exactly perfect, but the fleece and dark colors were forgiving. Instead of attaching the flower directly to the headband, I sewed the flower to a hair clip.  That way I can unsnap the flower hairclip and re-use the headband or the flower for other things and it’s not permanently a Bears headband. 

I bought a bunch of adult Goodie headbands awhile ago with the intentions of customizing some for Mia.  But I haven’t gotten around to it and it’s yet another project on my lengthy Mama Stuart list.  Luckily, the package of Goodie headbands came with orange.  And luckily my Korean baby has a big enough head for adult headbands.  Infant headbands left a huge mark on her head from being too tight, poor girl L. 

Even though it was way past bedtime, I had to try it on Mia.  She was sleeping and wondering what was going on when I woke her up by trying to get a headband on her, but it was heart-hurtingly cute!  I can’t wait to make more! Since my camera wasn’t handy at the time when I excitedly woke Mia up, here’s some game day pictures instead. Just like Daddy, all she wears on Sundays is Bears gear (even though we hate the coaching staff right now).

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