Wednesday, September 12, 2012

DIY Good Night Chicago Book

It's been a fun summer around here and just recently we were able to finish our DIY Good Night Chicago book!  We turned Labor Day weekend into a long staycation by:

Taking Mia into the Loop on the El for her first train ride!

We saw Calder's Flamingo Statue in the Federal Plaza.
It's nice to see you, art.

Grabbed some Garrett's popcorn and hung out by Buckingham Fountain.
Hello, fantastic fountains.

Took Mia to her first Cubs game.
Good luck, Chicago sports teams. You can do it!

It was all smiles at first...

And she survived seven innings before the inevitable...

Later that night, we kicked off Chicago's Jazz Festival with a free outdoor concert in Millennium Park. It was a gorgeous summer night and you should already know I love relaxing on a blankie with some wine and music. It was like Ravinia, but way better because you can.not. beat Chicago's skyline!
Just listen to those blues and jazz musicians.

And that's it for our recreation of the Good Night Chicago book! Well, except the Lighthouse. But realistically, I'm not sure when Mia would ever get out to see that. Now I just have to design and order the actual book, ha. Let's see how long that takes me!

Check out the rest of our pages/pictures here:
Good morning, Lake Michigan. (There's a lot: May 2010, May 2011, July 2011, and many more not blogged about!)
Good morning, Chicago Harbor Lighthouse. Are we ready for a wonderful day? (Not sure this will ever happen.)
Goodnight Chicago, sleep tight. Thank you for a wonderful day!


  1. Weeeee that was a fun staycation!!!

  2. Hi Mindy! This is Esther, David's wife & Joshua's mommy. Just wanted to say HI, and that your creativity is beyond amazing!!! You definitely gave me some great budget friendly ideas for birthday decor. Thanks again for sharing your art with everyone to see :))

  3. I'll take Mia on a boat ride to see the lighthouse! :)

  4. She's still a cutie even when she's crying. Haha. That was a very fun day you had.


Thanks for spending the {day} with me :) I'd LOVE to hear what you think!