Tuesday, March 27, 2012

{Erin} - 1 Year

Yesterday was my niece’s 1st birthday! Saturday was her dol (Korean 1st birthday celebration) and pictures of the party will come in a few weeks {sneak peek here}. In the meantime, check out her 1 year photo session {sneak peek here}.

Erin definitely lost a lot of baby fat over the year and is thinning out to be a toddler! {Click on photos to go to each session.}

Last time in the basket!

Erin always has a few wardrobe changes. Remember how itty bitty she was on this bed at three months? Here she is now, fully capable of crawling and bouncing all over the place!

Popos for her bear!

We finished up our session with a smash cake. Unlike Noah who didn’t care for his cupcake, Erin was all over it!

Literally. All over the room. So funny! I believe Dad’s exact words regarding smash cakes were “Why do people do this?!” And to wash off all the buttery deliciousness of her strawberry shortcake, Erin cleaned up with a bath in the kitchen sink.
Happy birthday, baby girl!

linked up here:
Sweet Shot Day


  1. She is adorable!!! The cake & sink shots remind me of Brendans!!!! ;)

  2. So cute! I love her ruffled romper outfit, I wanted to get one when Sydney was little but never did. Beautiful photos!

  3. these are great!!! I love the cake smash session!

  4. I love the smash cake pics! So cute!

  5. she is too adorable for words. and that little romper--oh my! cuteness overload.

  6. what fun! you have one adorable niece :)

  7. Oh my!! She could not be any cuter.

    Love each shot!!!

  8. thanks mindy! pictures look great! i'm so glad you shot the smash cake pictures beforehand because she didn't give us much of a show at her party!


Thanks for spending the {day} with me :) I'd LOVE to hear what you think!