Friday, July 1, 2011

{Erin} - 3 Months

I was going to post this next week (baby overload, I know. But Aiden, Noah and Erin were all born in March!), but I just couldn't wait! Happy early birthday Steve! I recently showed you the headbands I made for {Baby Erin’s} Getting So Big photo shoot. Here she is sporting them…
Unlike Noah who I captured mostly in his diaper, Erin went through three wardrobe (and accessory) changes. Typical of a boy and girl huh? J Can you spot the little princess in her big bed?
Baby Erin had a long day of picture taking with two hours at a Sears Portrait Studio and then another hour with me. I hope the photographs that I made are cherished even more just as much as the pictures taken at the standard studio.
One of the things that stands out most after I watched a live streaming food photography workshop led by Penny De Los Santos (a Saveur Magazine and National Geographic contributor), is how she said she makes photographs to capture the essence of all that she’s seeing and feeling. *sigh* If only it were that easy…
See you soon for Erin's 100 day celebration!

linked up here:
Sweet Shot Day


  1. Gorgeous pictures Mindy! How awesome!

  2. Oh Mindy,

    These were just fabulous. What an adorable baby!!

  3. I LOVE the one of the baby looking at parents on the bed...creative composition!!!

  4. So beautiful! I love her smile, sitting in her white dress and also perched on the huge bed.


Thanks for spending the {day} with me :) I'd LOVE to hear what you think!