Friday, July 22, 2011

As Seen on {Craftaholics Anonymous} - DIY T-Shirt Applique Tutorial

The first post I remember reading from Linda at Craftaholics Anonymous was “You know you’re a craftaholic when…” Seriously. hilarious. Ok, maybe it's only funny if you’re a crafty DIYer who frequents Michael’s/Joann’s/Hobby Lobby/The Dollar Store more than the grocery store, always has a 40% off coupon in her wallet, saves every piece of scrap paper/fabric/ribbon/cardboard/soup can to use for something (even though we don’t know what yet), has way too many “I’m SO going to make that” ideas on her To-Do list than there is time in a day…yeah, you get the point...

Anyway, I showed Linda the flower headbands I made for Baby Erin and was SO thrilled when she asked me to guest post over at her blog. Hop on over to Craftaholics Anonymous to get my tutorial for a Chicago/Illinois state silhouette appliqué t-shirt I made for a boy's birthday gift. And a matching onesie for his sibling in momma's belly J 
I love how the colors in the onesie match our flag. I got the shot of Navy Pier while aboard the Odyssey.
Elliott had his birthday party at Michael's with a Chicago style lunch (hot dogs mMMmM). How could I say no!? Mia had the most fun at the finger painting station. It was her first encounter with paints and she mostly used a popsicle stick and spoon as paintbrushes haha. She worked quietly for a good amount of time focusing on her artwork. That's my girl!
Thanks for having us Jocelyn! And this weekend I'll be photographing my friend's newborn baby girl! Stay tuned!

linked up here:
Join  us Saturdays at for the weekend wrap 
 up           party!


  1. Found you at the Alexa blog hop! Im your newest stalker! :) we would love for a follow back! but we are cool so i know you'll want to ;). have a great day!

  2. I LOVE these shirts!! And I wish I was in Chicago - it's my kind of town. Seriously, though, I love Chicago and would love to get to visit there for more than a weekend.

  3. So cute! I really want to try finger paints with Sydney, but she STILL puts everything in her mouth, so I'm afraid she would just eat it! LOL!


Thanks for spending the {day} with me :) I'd LOVE to hear what you think!