Friday, February 18, 2011

First Birthday Party Sweets & Doljabi

If you haven’t yet, check out these posts: sneak peek, inspiration board, and PART ONE – Decorations.

I wish there were three of me. One to make sure the party runs smoothly, one to be the photog, and one to actually enjoy the party! But, I would love to do it again! J Read on for the rest of Mia’s Winter One-derland Party details…

Food - If my mom were here, there’d be more Thai food L But we still had a delicious spread of:
© Bulgogi
© Spicy chicken wings – Great Seas
© Japchae
© Kaktugi & kimchi
© Filipino Eggrolls (my FAVE!) - Uni-mart
© Crab rangoons - Marian’s sister
Decorating Details
  • I used a silver and white runner from Target underneath all the white plates that I already had from Bed Bath & Beyond’s B. Smith Collection.
  • I made food labels from MS Word, glued onto cardstock (actually, the silver thing that goes around Nordstrom gift boxes!).
Desserts – I wanted to keep my baking to a minimum since I already had my hands full with all the decorating details. My sweets table included:
© Mia’s smashcake - Jewel
© Cupcakes - Molly’s, who messed up our order grrr!
© Dunkin Donuts powdered munchkins
© White chocolate chip coconut bars - will post recipe later
© White chocolate covered Oreos – Jewel (ribbon around sticks tutorial from HWTM)
© Cappuccino wafers
© Pirouettes
© Hershey’s kisses with labels on the bottoms – will post template later
© White chocolate covered pretzels (I made two nights before)
© Gerber Puffs for the babies
Decorating Details:
  • The floor length tablecloth was a flat sheet from my bedroom.
  • To add height to the plates, I used candlesticks from Target.
  • For the cupcakes, I used two upside-down Clementine boxes underneath the sheet, a gift wrapped box and Martha Stewart cake stands.
  • I wrapped vases in sweater sleeves topped with ric rac and wrapped fabric and yarn around the base of IKEA vases.
Doljabi - Since Doug is Korean, we had Mia dress up in a traditional hanbok that Umma picked up in Korea for the doljabi game.  You lay out various objects and see which one she picks to foretell her future. She picked the calculator - she’ll be nerdy just like Daddy! Ok, so we both have accounting degrees. When everyone cheered when she picked the calculator, she was so startled and scared!
Decorating Details:
  • I wrapped soup cans to hold people’s guesses of what she’d pick. The winner got a gift card.
  • Items to choose from were
    • Glue Stick – crafty like Mommy
    • Calculator – nerdy like Daddy
    • Microphone – performer
    • Pencil – teacher
    • Golf ball - athlete
  • Printed the game instructions displayed in a frame.
  • We had pictures from my first birthday, Doug’s first birthday in his hanbok, and Mia in her hanbok.
  • There's a faux fire in the fireplace made of thin cardboard, foil and tissue paper.
Cake Smashing – After the doljabi, we let her have her cake!  It was the neatest cake smashing ever! That’s our girl! J Surprisingly she didn’t care to dig into it, but didn’t mind when we fed her.
Decorating Details:
  • Taped scraps of fabric, ribbon and cardstock to the high chair tray
  • Bib by Danielle Shannon
A special thank you to...
© Steve and Sandy for opening up their beautiful home to our friends, family and my car full of decorations
© My friends for listening to me party plan for months and donating sweaters
© Frances for taking pictures
© And most patient, understanding, 20 trip loading and unloading, hours of power cleaning husband who believes in me J


  1. Great job lil mama!! The party was spectacular and you were not a mean nazi. Thanks :)

  2. awesome! you are a legit crafty mom blogger :) please don't judge my thrown together sesame street birthday/baptism party hahaha

  3. love the winter theme! :) you'd never see something like that over here in california. so pretty!


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