Tuesday, December 14, 2010

I Said a Brrrr Chika Brrrrr!

While Mia was at home doing this…

Mom and Dad were out doing this… 
All week we were anticipating the blizzard like conditions that we would face on game day.  In the morning the wind was so strong that it blew our grill across our entire balcony!  We were scared. Doug wanted to sell the tickets.  But I was up for the adventure! I had never been to a Bears game, and what better way to experience it than with “Bear weather”?! It was 15 degrees with 50 mph winds and below zero wind chills.  But we were prepared. After putting on four pairs of socks (including ones up to my knees), North Face boots (I love when it snows so I can stomp around in these!), a cami, t-shirt, long sleeve, hoodie, Columbia jacket (which I also love love love in this weather), ear warmers, baseball cap (perfect for deflecting the wind and snow), hat, two hoods, a scarf, leggings, sweatpants, jeans (those maternity pants sure came in handy!), warm ups and three pairs of gloves - I was ready to go! Fat guuuuuuuy in a littttttle coooat J
While walking to the stadium, we worked up a sweat in all those layers. We were even warm enough to have a beer! J We got there towards the end of the first quarter when it was 7-0. We didn't miss much right? But by the end of the half, the Bears racked up a whopping 33 yards of offense while the Pats scored 33 points!  At least with all our layers, we weren't cold at all. 
After the half, it was just us in our row. And two Patriots fans. Four minutes into the third quarter, the Patriots scored with a field goal so we decided to go to the bathroom. And then we missed the ONLY touchdown! Darnit! By the fourth quarter as my second beer was starting to freeze before I could finish it and we saw Cutler throw another interception, we decided it was time to bounce.

Despite people sitting in our seats who should’ve been 15 rows behind us, terrible weather (understatement huh?), a 36-7 loss, and lack of good Bears football, it was fun!  Even Doug admitted it was fun after initially not wanting to go.  Surprisingly, even in the 300 level and feeling like you’re in a giant snow globe, you can see what’s going on in the game.  I’m glad we could get out to experience the Chicago weather at my first Bears game J  Check that off the list!  


  1. Laugh... 'Fat guy in a little coat', you got jokes, hehehehe

  2. Thanks for making me go to the game! :)

  3. I was gonna buy tickets for my husband since he's a Pat's fan (unfortunately). But when I told him about it, he was a big baby and didn't want to be out in the cold.

  4. Very nice. :) I showed Mike - he couldn't believe how beautiful Mia is :). His next comment was - I can't WAIT until they all come!

  5. LOL! it's like that friends episode where joey wears all of chandler's clothes


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