Tuesday, October 8, 2013

{Ashlee} - 29 weeks

As another task to check off the preparing-for-baby checklist, Chris & Ashlee spent their day in a crash course at the hospital, where you're supposed to learn everything you need to know for child birth in a matter of six hours. {Like anyone can fully prepare you, ha!} But to end the day on a sweeter note, we spent the evening photographing Ashlee's beautiful baby belly at 29 weeks. Being a yoga instructor, I knew Ashlee would look amazing for her maternity session...
Chris, can you believe how far we've come from our college days? We're adults! Married! Raising kids! I can't wait to photograph your baby girl get as she gets so big in the next year!

1 comment:

Thanks for spending the {day} with me :) I'd LOVE to hear what you think!